Tuesday, September 13, 2011


i snoozed my alarm for more than an hour this morning and i woke up at 8.20 and got school at 9.20ish. Decided not to take the religion and the Indonesian class, and it was a right decision that I made. Religion-messy class, Bahasa-No teacher... I simply came and join the 3rd subject as in English! haa!

 enough of the day i had at school before we were finally dismissed at 5 and suddenly rain poured heavily!
 The bad thing was, we gotta cancel our intention to grab bakso 'Pak dhe' *my favorite meatball ever! shall talk about it here sometime*,,, and the other bad thinng is some of us cant just go home, because... we're motorbikers! TEEHEE! yeah been addicted in riding motorbike these past few months... The excitement, thrill, those wind brushing againts your face.. everything! lets not talk about my parent's comment about this,,,

So after a while the rain did stop and off we go! but... as i live quite a distant from school, in the mid of way the rain poured again, quite heavy to make me stop for a shelter.. i was 15 soaked then. less than 10mins the rain slowed down and it was just a lil drizzle outside, and i decided to set off! in the mid of the way it rained heavily again! i decided not to stop cuz its getting dark and im 50%wet already, its never easy to drive any cars or bikes when its raining, especially when its also rhyming with lightning,thunder and the road seems to be so slippery. blessed from any bad possibilities i reached home safe and sound but all soaked WET all in through, not to mention my socks, shoes,lingerie,everything! but IT WAS FUN! been sucha long time since i last soaked wet with the rain, its a feeling missed!

 and by the way, i prefer my uniform colour better when it is wet! =P
 its the kind of blue i love!

and well oh yeah! met a corpse of a lizard on the floor! yeah! its  'ON THE FLOOR!!!' -JLO! =P

the thing that crossed my mind was : "which classmate or schoolmate of mine will find 'this' on their bags tomorrow uhhhh?" =))))

Monday, September 12, 2011

First day of school

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!? its  absodamnlutely SUCKSSS!!!!

and this is my module today, as following

 06.30-06.50   Alarm snooze span
 06.50-07.30  Preparation going to school
 08.00-15.20  School ends...
15.20-15.45   a lil span of break for next row
 15.45-17.00  Extra review class for national exam preparation
 17.00  .......   Rush home, a lil break..JUST that lil break!, bath,etc
 17.45-19.15 Tuition
  19.30-20.00 Manage my business at the shop *cuz my parents are away*
  20.15-2043  Dinner alone at a street vendor eatern
 20.43-NOW here i am doing my homeworks and social networking!
and..... TAaaaDAaa!!!

      THE END!


Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Lunar Birthday (⌣́_⌣̀)

 September 10,2011-- yes! its just another week before my upcoming  "supposed-to-be" sweet 17th Birthday...and i dont intend to make any pandemonium nor celebration out of it.---

well, WHATEVER!!!

 Earlier on today I was planning about many other things that i have to check on several Lunar Chinese birthdate related stuffs, and i accidentally found out that today is my own Lunar Birthday, and this year was so special. without my Mom, without my family,apparently left alone at home though i have a brother of mine.well it doesnt make a difference does it?

Mom would usually cook me a vermicelli and a red egg on each year of my Lunar birthday, but not this year.. i wonder if she just forgot it or she didn't knew it or she's just dispensing all this norms anymore... but she did gimme a red packet yesterday before they left for the airport, but still im kinda disappointed yeah?

as usual i'd go on and on rant on twitter and every social network ive got that my parents would never have and tell the 'www' of how pathetically im spending my lunar birthday. hip!hip!hooray!!! well, honestly i wasnt hoping to tell people about it and expect 'em to greet me! like after i told em "its my birthday!!! GREET ME!!!" Well, thats just STUPID! BUT ironically  it was those plainly stupid yet natural, yet so heart warming greetings from my friends on Blackberry Messenger on Twitter, from my followers, my hommies, from people i know to people i dont know that brighten up my day, telling me that," well Steph, you're not alone! we're here!" *EAAA!!!!* LMFAO!


................................. speechless... kinda funny, hilarious but touching too! thanks guys! least, for saving my day=D.........................